Yahav in the jewish world

As part of the organization's vision, Yahav is committed to developing and maintaining the unbreakable connection between the people of Israel and Jewish communities abroad. As part of our mission to renew a shared, Zionist, Jewish, and vibrant narrative in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, we believe that we cannot achieve this without our brothers and sisters in Jewish communities around the world. Therefore, Yahav works to promote humanistic Zionism and advocate for contemporary Zionist action globally through short delegations abroad by the organization’s guides, exposing them to the fascinating world of Diaspora Jewry and its connection to Israel. Over the years, delegations have visited communities in Canada, New Zealand, New York, South Africa, and Denmark. Additionally, we have translated our educational materials into English and Spanish to connect as many young people as possible around the world with our Zionist perspective and language. This initiative aims to provide access to the writings and thought of the founders of Zionism and to jointly establish the essential Zionist story for our times.

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